The CIRT organises First Aid courses that comply with the Ministerial Decree No. 388/03, concerning corporate First Aiddispositions.
First Aid courses are structured according to the classification of companies in D.M. 388/03. To determine the group to which the company belongs, it is necessary, based on the INAIL rate code, to identify the corresponding incapacity index, which can be found on the INAIL site. Group A companies are those with an incapacity index of more than 4. Group B and C companies are those with an incapacity index of less than or equal to 4. For more details, please refer to D.M. 388/03.
Group A companies:
(i) Companies or production units with industrial activities, subject to the obligation to declare or notify, referred to in art. 2, of D.Lgs. N. 334/1999, thermal power plants, nuclear plants and laboratories under articles 7, 28 and 33 of the D.Lgs. N. 230/1995, mining and other mining companies defined by D.Lgs. 624/1996, underground work referred to dPR 1956, companies for the manufacture of explosives, powders and ammunition;
(II) companies or production units with more than five workers belonging to or attributable to the INAIL tariff groups with a permanent incapacity index of more than four (inferred from the national INAIL statistics for the previous three years published in the Official Journal);
(III) companies or production units with more than five permanent workers in the agricultural sector.
Group B companies:
companies or production units with three or more workers who are not in Group A.
Group C companies:
with fewer than three workers who are not in Group A.
To complete the training course, CIRT also organizes First Aid Refresh courses for emergency teams,providing the update elements provided by current legislation.
Training courses for first aid teams for companies of: – Group A (16 hours) – Group B and C (12 hours)
First aid upgrade courses for companies of: – Group A (6 hours) – Group B and C (4 hours)