The Representative of the Workers for Safety (RLS) is entitled to special health and safety training as specified by art. 37, paragraph 10 of the D.Lgs. 81/08. The specific modalities, duration and content of the rLS training are established in the national collective bargaining process (Article 37, paragraph 11 D.Lgs. 81/08). This training should enable the RLS to be able to reach adequate knowledge about the work risks that exist in the areas where it exercises its representation, appropriate expertise on the main techniques of control and prevention of risks themselves, as well as EU and national legal principles, general and special legislation on occupational health and safety, key stakeholders and related obligations and regulatory aspects of employee representation and communication technology.

The minimum duration of the courses is 32 hours.

Representatives of workers for safety (as defined in Article 2 of D.Lgs 81/08, Single Text on Security).

The course lasts for 32 hours


EU and national legal principles, general and special legislation on occupational health and safety:

  • The hierarchy of legal sources
  • The European Directives
  • The Constitution, Civil Code and Penal Code
  • The evolution of workplace safety and hygiene legislation and the D.Lgs. 81/08
  • Workers’ Statute and Mandatory Insurance Regulations against Accidents and Occupational Diseases
  • Legislation on particular categories of work: child labour, working mothers, night work, atypical work, etc.
  • The UNI, CEI technical standards and their validity
  • The system of prescriptions and penalties

Key stakeholders and their obligations:

  • Employer, Executives
  • The Pre-posts
  • The Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP), SPP Employees
  • Competent Physician (MC)
  • The Workers’ Representative for Safety (RLS), the Workers’ Representative for Territorial Security (RLST) and the Workers’ Representative for The Safety of Production Site. Regulatory aspects of employee representation
  • Fire prevention, worker evacuation and first aid workers
  • Workers
  • Designers
  • Manufacturers, Suppliers
  • Installers
  • Self-employed workers
  • Procurement management
  • The public prevention system:
  • Surveillance and control
  • Information, assistance and advice
  • Peer Bodies and Category Agreements

Defining and identifying risk factors:

  • Concepts of danger, risk, damage, prevention
  • Injury analysis: causes, modes of occurrence, indicators, statistical analysis and performance over time, accident register
  • Policy information, methods and tools for risk assessment (Regional guidelines, check list models, etc.)
  • Risk assessment and identification of technical, organisational and procedural prevention and protection measures:
  • Content and specificity of the risk assessment document: assessment methodology and criteria used
  • Identifying and quantifying risks, prevention measures taken or to be taken
  • Priority and timing of improvement interventions
  • Definition of a system for controlling the efficiency and effectiveness over time of measures implemented
  • The Procurement Risk Assessment Document (DUVRI)

Communication technique:

  • Organizational communication processes
  • Information transmission tools
  • The type of security information
  • The psychological aspects of job security; The psychological dynamics of the accident; Critical factors for preventing accidents; Empowering people
  • Noise risk
  • The risk of vibrations
  • The risk from ionizing, non-ionizing and optical radiation
  • The risk from electromagnetic fields
  • Individual Protection Devices (DPI): Criteria for choice and use
  • The Fire Legislative Framework and the Fire Prevention Certificate
  • Emergency management
  • The risk of fire and explosion
  • Regulations bearing provisions on the company’s first aid
  • Risk from work environments;
  • The microclimate;
  • Lighting The risk of video terminals The risk of manual handling of loads
  • The classification of chemical agents;
  • The risks of exposure to chemicals, carcinogens and mutagens;
  • Protection from biological agents
  • Electrical risk
  • Mechanical Risk, Machines, Equipment
  • The risk of handling goods (lifting equipment, transport)
  • Mandatory periodic inspections of appliances and installations
  • The risk of falling from above
  • Final test

The “Representatives of Safety Workers” (RLS) course aims to provide the training elements to achieve adequate knowledge about the work risks in the areas of work and appropriate skills on the main risk control and prevention techniques.

Attendee attendance and rating certificates

For each course participant, a certificate of frequency and pass of the final test will be issued.

Non-compliance obligations and penalties

It should be recalled that the penalty for non-compliance with the rLS’s training obligations referred to in art. 37 paragraph 10 of the D.Lgs. 81/08 (Unique Text on Security) consists of the arrest of the employer/manager for two to four months or the fine of 1,200 to 5,200 euros. These penalties apply to each worker concerned and therefore the possible sanctioning amount must be multiplied by the number of uninformed/trained/trained workers. As envisaged by D. L. 76/13, from 01/07/13 the sanctions provided by the D.Lgs. 81/08 have been increased by 9.6 and may be subject to further increases on the basis of a five-year revaluation carried out by the Directorate-General for Inspection activity of the Ministry of Labour.

The course is activated with a number of minino 5 participants at the headquarters of Milazzo.

Contact us for more information on how to register and to know the dates of the course first aid

The four-hour course is intended for The Workers’ Representatives for Safety (RLS) of companies employing up to 50 workers. The program of the course is designed to illustrate and deepen the obligations and responsibilities of the main figures involved in the D.Lgs. 81/08 to ensure the health and safety of workers, as well as statutory forecasts on worker training, procurement and emergency management. The course allows you to complete the training of the upgrade for Workers’ Representatives for mandatory safety provided by art. 37, paragraph 11, of D. Lgs. 81/08.

Representatives of Safety Workers (RLS) of companies employing up to 50 workers.

The course lasts 4 hours.

Security and the D.Lgs. 81/08:

  • Obligations and responsibilities of the main figures recalled by the D.Lgs. 81/08;
  • Risk assessment;
  • The training of workers: the recent State Regions agreements;
  • Procurement security;
  • Emergency management;
  • Final evaluation test.

Course objective:

Provide participants with the necessary insights and updates to perform the tasks associated with the role of Workers’ Representative for Safety, to competently and effectively exercise the function of RLS within organization.

Attendee attendance and rating certificates

For each course participant, a certificate of frequency and pass of the final test will be issued.

Training requirements for RLS (Safety Workers’ Representatives) and penalties for non-compliance

It should be remembered that the penalty for non-compliance with the obligations of information, training and training referred to in Articles 36 and 37 of D. Lgs. 81/2008 (Unique Text on Security) consists of the arrest of the employer/manager for four to eight months or the fine of EUR 2,000 to 4,000 euros (violation of Article 18, paragraph 1, letter l). These penalties apply to each worker concerned and therefore the possible sanctioning amount must be multiplied by the number of uninformed/trained/trained workers. As stipulated by D.L. 76/13, from 01/07/13 the sanctions provided by D. Lgs. 81/08 have been increased by 9.6 and may be subject to further increases on the basis of a five-year revaluation carried out by the Directorate-General for Inspection activity of the Ministry of Labour.

The course is activated with a number of minino 5 participants at the headquarters of Milazzo.

Contact us for more information on how to register and to know the dates of the course first aid

The 8-hour course is intended for The Representatives of Workers for Safety (RLS) of companies employing more than 50 workers. The program of the course is designed to illustrate and deepen the responsibilities of the main figures recalled by D. Lgs. 81/08, as well as to provide The Representatives of The Security Workers (RLS) with all the skills necessary to “read” and verify the risk assessment document and the POS, that is, those documents that require, under D. Lgs. 81/08, the RLS consultation.

The rLS update course “Safety at Work: General Principles, Risk Assessment and Pos” allows you to comply with the training for Workers’ Representatives for Mandatory Safety provided by art. 37, paragraph 11, of D. Lgs. 81/08.

Representatives of Safety Workers (RLS) of companies employing more than 50 workers.

The refresher course for rls “Safety at work: general principles, risk assessment and pos” lasts 8 hours.

Security and the D.Lgs. 81/08:

  • Obligations and responsibilities of the main figures recalled by the D.Lgs. 81/08;
  • Risk assessment;
  • The training of workers: the recent State Regions agreements;
  • Procurement security;
  • Emergency management. The risk assessment document and the POS: the RLS consultation
  • The contents of the D.Lgs risk assessment document. 81/08;
  • Methodology of risk assessment;
  • Title IV of the D.Lgs. 81/08: the Security and Coordination Plan and the Operational Security Plan;
  • Simplified PSC and POS models (D.I. 9/9/14);
  • Examples and tutorials: how to verify the contents of a risk assessment document;
  • Final evaluation test.

Course objective:

Provide participants with the necessary insights and updates to perform the tasks associated with the role of Workers’ Representative for Safety, to competently and effectively exercise the function of RLS within organization.

Attendee attendance and rating certificates

For each participant in the RLS refresher course “Safety at work: general principles, risk assessment and pos” a certificate of frequency and pass of the final test will be issued.

The course is activated with a number of minino 5 participants at the headquarters of Milazzo.

Contact us for more information on how to register and to know the dates of the course first aid

Contact us for more information about costs, how to enroll in courses, and how to learn about the dates of the Representative Safety Workers Courses (RLS).