Feature of the platform
The user is previously registered by the provider who enters the minimum personal data (Name, Surname, Email, Password).
At the first access to the platform, the user is required to fill in his personal data (Name, Surname, Tax Code, Address, Place and date of birth). During the registry confirmation phase, consent is requested for the processing of personal data in compliance with the current Privacy Law.
The courses assigned to him are then proposed to the user.
For each course, the following is displayed: Course status (Not started, not completed, completed), Time of use, First and last access, Deadline, Project document with explicit acceptance, button to access the course.
Minimum entry skills: basic knowledge and use of pc and internet.
The platform complies with the technical specifications required by the PCM State Regions Agreement Act No. 128 – CSR of 07 07 16 – Annex II regarding the traceability and usability of the course.
Methods of tracking the activities of the entire training course
The platform guarantees the traceability of the training course and in particular:
- Traceability of the progress of each individual lesson and the completion of the same in its entirety. A minimum usage time is guaranteed for each lesson, it is not possible to continue with subsequent lessons until the minimum time of the current lesson is fulfilled.
- The user’s active participation in the training process. At the end of each lesson the user is required to click a button to access the subsequent lessons after having finished each of them.
- The traceability of each activity carried out: for the proposed lesson, the system keeps track of the date / time of start of use and the date / time of completion.
- The traceability of each single teaching unit, with the start and end log of consultation / completion.
- The regularity and progressiveness of use of the system which does not allow to consult subsequent lessons if not before completing those proposed in full. In addition, it is necessary to pass the intermediate assessment tests to continue the training.
- Intermediate verification test: at the end of each group of lessons a multiple choice verification test is proposed (1 question, 3 answers, one correct). The user is required to pass the test in order to continue training and consult subsequent lessons.
- Final verification test: at the end of the course a multiple-choice verification test is proposed (minimum 20 questions, for each question 3 answers, one of which correct, considered passed with 70% correct answers. In case of failure to pass the test will be repeated). The user is required to pass the test in order to obtain the training certificate.
Tutor and assistance
It is possible to contact our “E-learning courses technical assistance” service for any support in using the platform, either by telephone on 0909384326 or by e-mail address info@cirt.it . Furthermore, in the cases provided for by the State Regions Agreement of 21/12/11, a tutor, an expert in workplace safety, is available to support the training activity, who can be contacted through the “ The expert responds ” service.
In the cases provided for by the State Regions Agreement of 21/12/11, participants can interact with each other and with the Tutor in a virtual classroom using the online chat system .

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