The State Regions Agreement of 7/7/16 gave precise indications of the characteristics of the training courses necessary to take on the role of Head of the Prevention and Protection Service (RSPP) and Prevention and Protection (ASPP).

In particular, the Agreement provides for a training course consisting of several “modules”, called:

MODULO A: 28-hour base course for performing the RSPP and ASPP function

MODULO B common: 48-hour course common to all macro-sectors, delves into the issue of safety and risks in the workplace

– Specialization B MODULES (SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4): specialization courses, in which the issue of safety is discussed with regard to particular SECTORS ATECO 2007, in particular:

SP1: 12-hour specialization module for atECO 2007 “A – Agriculture, forestry and Fisheries” >>>

SP2: 16-hour specialization module for atECO 2007 “B – Mining of minerals from quarries and mines” and “F – Constructions” >>>

SP3: 12-hour specialization module for atECO 2007 “Q, 86.1 and 87 – Health and Social Care” >>>

>>> SP4: 16-hour specialization module for atECO 2007 “C, 19 and 20 – Manufacturing activities”

MODULO C: 24-hour specialization course for RSPP (ASPPs are not required to attend it), aimed at managing training, organizational processes and using the correct forms of communication in the company. Please note that, in the first 5 years since the 7/7/2016 Agreement came into force (i.e. until 2/9/2021), the frequency to Module B COMUNE or one or more specialization modules B-SP1, B-SP2, B-SP3 and B-SP4, is recognised for the purpose of fulfilling the duty of update for RSPPs and ASPPs formed under the State Regions Agreement of 26/01/2006.

Training for mandatory RSPP and ASPP upgrade

Il D. Lgs. 81/08 requires the RSPP and ASPP, in order to maintain their qualifications, to follow training and continuous updating, as stipulated by the State Agreement Regions of 7/7/2016 rep. Acts 128/CSR.

In particular, RSPPs and ASPs are expected to undergo training courses for the upgrade every five years, accumulating a total of:

40 hours for RSPP

20 hours for ASPP

The obligation to update provided by D. Lgs. 81/08 reflects the need now acquired by all professionals to maintain their skills over time through training courses that allow a continuous update to regulations, increasingly articulated and constantly evolving.

Each RSPP and ASPP will be able to identify the training path that best suits your needs by being able to choose from more than 100 hours of D.Lgs-compliant professional training courses. 81/2008 and the 7/7/16 State Regions Agreement.

Contact us for more information about costs, how to enroll in courses and to know the dates of the RSPP Employer Training Course.